Thursday, June 19, 2008

Link of the draft and developed UT environment




5 Images of Developed UT Environemnt

(note for Jermy, if r u testing the elevator, u need to shot it)
ZHANG YIN's Office:
The concept of this style office come from Zhang who is chinese. The style of environmrnt is very famous in china. It has a large roofing. The inner space separate into two parts which are garden and rooms. Most of thie, there are a garden between the main gate and the rooms.
So i make a bridge to connect the rooms and the main gate. And the open space.

Red colour is always be appied in this kind of house. And in traditional thinking, red colour has another meaning.

Jobs's Office:

This is Jobs's office. The whole office are smooth and curve. The office separate into 3 level.
The middel part has two sprial stairs to the place can watch 360 degree
veiwing. and a ramp to the top level.
Ther lower part also has a 360 degree viewing through the glass.

This is meeting place. The concept of the roofing is from Zhang Yin. Most of chinesse has a large roof . And it is suif for Jobs and Zhange have luch to
This is Zhange's elevthos:
This is Jobs elevator:

Marking Review + Link to 3D warehouse

JOBS's Elevator

ZHANG's elevator

Meeting place

Dinning table

JOBS's Office

Sketchup Models of Elevators and Dinning Table

Zhang Yin's Elevator:
The elevator has 4 paris of wing which are very thin. Those look like paper.

The idea of elevator is from Zhang Yin's working --- Paper.
Apart from the 4 paris of wing, it has many layers under itself. This is making it looks like a "paper bird".

Steve Jobs's Elevator

The idea of this elevator is from Apple products' charaters --- curve, smooth and simple. Althought it has a simple appearence, it is fountionable.

Dinning Table

The concept of the dinning table get from the 3 clients. the inner half sphere is representing Jobs's products.
The middle part --- circle layers which represent paper.

The concept of the table cover is from Versace who is a fashion designer. So i try something new and complicated in this part.

Meeting place

Texture used in UT + 36 Textures of Movement






